A really easy meat fabrication lab and kinda inexpensive lab is RIB FABRICATION:) I use this lab for grilling and for my meat unit depending on where it fits. THE SERIOUS EATS BLOG has a great article for your students to read. This allows you to incorporate industry related reading into your curriculum that is not from a textbook but real world. I created a notetaker that accompanies their blog post. Students were to read the article and fill out the notetaker. Some of the information below came straight from the SERIOUS EATS BLOG. The author did an amazing job. I do not take credit for any of the information!!! How to Trim Pork Spare Ribs Into St. Louis-Style Cut Artifact Directions: Read the article and fill in the information for creating St. Louis-Style Ribs Introduction: Is buying St. Louis ribs prefabricated cost effective yes or no? How many cuts does it take to turn pork spare ribs into St. Louis - Style Ribs? ...
Cesar Chavez "If you really want to make a friend, go to someone's house and eat with him...the people who give you their food give you their heart."